Reasons and Impact of Environment Degradation in India


  • Jatinder Kaur Research Scholar


Environment degradation, consequences, sustainable development


In the present era where attaining the goals of sustainable development is a major concern for every economy, in such a situation the concept of protection of the environment from degradation can no longer be ignored by any sector then it hardly matters whether it is the private sector or government sector. The concept of environmental degradation refers to a deterioration of the earth’s environment through overconsumption of assets like air, water, and soil. Environmental degradation is of several types like the destruction of environments and the eradication of wildlife. This continuous degradation of the environmental has lead to many consequences like Air pollution; water pollution, garbage, and pollution of the natural environment.  In many developing countries like India pollution has turned out one of the major challenges and primary causes of diseases and health issues as it has an impact on the livelihood of homosepians for the long term. In order to tackle all these challenges of environmental degradation, numeral studies have been conducted in both developing and developed countries by using various methods with a common aim of improving environmental quality. Some of the most commonly used strategies in this regard are minimizing exposure to environmental risk factors by enhancing air quality, access to improved sources of drinking and bathing water, sanitation and clean energy sources are found, as all these methods contribute significantly to the achievement goals of environmental sustainability and development which act as base for significant health benefits. This paper describes the national and global causes and consequences of environmental degradation. Moreover, the paper also put light on review of the literature on studies associated with reduced environmental risk and focusing on reduced air pollution, enhanced water quality and climate change mitigation.



How to Cite

Jatinder Kaur. (2019). Reasons and Impact of Environment Degradation in India. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Business Risk Management, 2(2), 15–22. Retrieved from