Yoga for Win–Win Leadership Through Spirituality‘Spirit + Ability = Win–Win Leadership or Karma Yogi’


  • S. Pragadeeswaran Department of Business Administration


leadership, spirituality, spiritual quotient, yoga


The word ‘Spirituality’ means understanding the science of spirit or psychic energy or self in the physical body of human beings and realizing the relationship among psychic or self, environment and society. This state of self-spirit realized life is called ‘spiritual life.’ The measure of spiritual ability in an individual is called Spiritual Quotient. Scholars and scientists have proclaimed that science without spirituality is blind, and spirituality without science is lame. Danah Zohar filled this gap between science and spirituality by defining the concept of Spiritual Intelligence as life with meaningful living. In this world of tele-technological 4G-fourth generation, mankind is enjoying material comfort due to phenomenal scientific development. However, all human beings are mentally disturbed due to terrorist or violent state of mind in leaders and followers. This violent state of mind has ruined world peace and organizational peace too. The evidence for organizational peace disturbance is a Human Resource manager of Maruti Car Manufacturing Company at Delhi was murdered during working hours by his subordinates. The psychological root cause for this violence is very low emotional quotient of the manager as well as the subordinates. Literature review shows that emotional intelligence is highly enhanced by spiritual intelligence. This spiritual intelligence is enlightened by the higher state of introspection called yoga practices. Yoga practices induce integration of an individual’s ego into integrity development in work with win–win leadership rather than lose-lose violence leadership in their work life. This article focuses on spirituality enlightenment by yoga practices and optimization of win–win leadership. This study has also probed the relationship among psychological variables and formulated the following theoretical model-S.P. ESWAR for win–win leadership through yoga and spirituality.

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How to Cite

Pragadeeswaran, S. (2018). Yoga for Win–Win Leadership Through Spirituality‘Spirit + Ability = Win–Win Leadership or Karma Yogi’. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Human Resource Management &Amp; Development, 1(2), 1–8. Retrieved from