FAQ :-
Q. Please tell about your MBA Journals.
Our company i.e. Consortium e-learning network pvt. ltd. initiated MBA Journals in 2010 and with successful publication of it, we also initiated MBA Journals in 2012.Q. Which all domains will be covered in MBA Journals?
Our MBA Journals will be including Business, Finance, HRM, Industry, Marketing and Management.Q. Which all categories of article will you be publishing?
We will be publishing below categories:1. Research/Review articles
2. Interviews
3. Company write-ups
4. Short articles
5. Case study
Q. What will be the benefit of Authors?
1. Registration and Publication is absolutely free of cost.2. Copyediting and formatting will also not be charges and it will done by professional copy editors.
3. We will be certifying every Author whose articles will be published on our platform.
4. We will be giving three months online access absolutely free of cost.
5. We will be providing hard copy of the Journal at cost.
6. Their article, Interviews and company wirte ups will be visible world wide.
Q. Let us know the frequency of your MBA journal in a year?
Frequency of publication: Online version-2 times/year; Hard copy compilation version (free of cost) - 1/year, and ‘Compilation of Abstracts of Papers (free of cost) Published in all our 16 MBA journals.Q. Tell me about the subscription details of MBA Journals?
For subscription details please refer to the subscription order form of MBA Journals.Q. What is the time required for delivery of MBA Journals after subscription?
As soon as we receive your payment we will send you an acknowledgement for the same and provide you the online access of the journals selected by you.Q. When will First issues will be Published in Hard Copy Form.
The print compilation version will be available once at the end of the year.Q. Kindly inform impact factor MBA Journals and from where it is being published.
Any Journal can generate Impact factor only with time and MBA Journal is a very New Journal to get impact factor.
Q. What is the procedure to submit any article ?
For submitting any article please follow the below process:- Visit www.mbajournals.in
- Register as an Author in any Journal of your subject interest and Registration is free of cost.
- You will receive an automated email.
- Whenever you log in with the user id and password that you created then on the right side is a click for New Submission.
- If you click on that then procedure for submitting the manuscript is very well instructed.
- Please go through the Author Guidelines provided in the Website.
- Please adhere to the Sample paper and Referencing pattern provided in the header of the website.
- Font size 11 in Times New Roman and single spacin.
Q. What is the cost of MBA Journals?
Please refer to the subscription order form provided at the homepage for any query.We will giving you hard copy compilation at the end of the year and that too free of cost.
Q. The institution don’t have website and proper LAN still would be we able to receive subscription ?
We require the I. P. address for providing the online access for Institutional Subscription, but in your case as mentioned in your mail we can generate Username and Password too.Q. What is the procedure for making payment of subscription for the MBA Journals?
Payment may be made by: Demand Draft issued in favour of ‘Consortium e-Learning Network Pvt. Ltd.’ payable at ‘Delhi or New Delhi’. RTGS in favour of “Consortium eLearning Network Pvt. Ltd”, Account Number: 3942000001153, at HDFC Bank, Sector 62, NOIDA. (Uttar Pradesh), For those who don’t have online banking may please visit any nearest HDFC bank and make a request for RTGS, else deposit the cash amount in the HDFC account no. (3942000001153) In favour of “Consortium eLearning Network Pvt. Ltd”. Please do inform us on the following numbers +91-120- 4781219, 211 or +91- 9810078958 Also mail your complete details at mailto:[email protected] after making the payments.Q. We have been not getting Email id and Password of MBA Journals access ?
We would like to mention that to activate the online access of the journals you are subscribing, we need I.P. address/ address range of your institute. For Institutional Subscription , there is no need to provide user id / password to subscribers.Q. Exceptional Information Service:
Further to support the needs of the institutions like yours, you will also be provided with 'Compilation of MBA Abstracts ' published in all our MBA journals (forty in number) - entirely free of cost, irrespective of number of journals you will subscribe, you will be entitled for this valuable information service.Q. Can I get Hard Copy of MBA Journals ?
Our MBA Journals are primarily online journals (e-journals). However, to cater the interests/ needs of the valuable clients like you, we are providing free of cost hard copy compilation version of these online journals, to our subscribers.Q. Is there any addition benefit free journals available with you if we were a regular subscription of your journals? Additional benefit on subscription of our journals:
- Our MBA Journals are primarily online journals (e-journals).
- However, to cater to the interests/ needs of the valuable clients like you, we are providing free of cost hard copy compilation version of these online journals, to our subscribers, under the pre- launch offer.
- Further to support the needs of the institutions like yours, you will be provided with 'compilation of abstracts of papers' (@ bimonthly frequency) published in all our MBA journals (forty in number) - entirely free of cost, irrespective of number of journals subscribed, you will be entitled for this valuable information service.
Q. Please provide us the User Name and Password to access the journals immediately.
- As desired, we are sending you the username and the password of the journals selected by you.
- The username and password can be accessed by multiple users.
- As the journals are getting published, you will be getting the access subsequently.
- The period of online access/print compilation version will be provided for an year(as per the subscription period).
- User Name: xyz ; Pwd: abc
Q. Can we have a sample copy or free print copy before subscribing MBA Journals ?
As most of the MBA Journals are at present in the final stage of their launch, we regret in saying that before the launch of MBA journals it would not be appropriate for us to provide sample copy to our subscribers. However, you can have the full view of the MBA Journals/ website(www.mbajournals.in) including the abstracts of the papers published in these journals. For your convenience, we are happy to attach the i) compilation of abstracts of the papers in the recent issues of the MBA journals, ii)Subscription order form- MBA Journals & iii) Catelogue- MBA journals.Q. I want to know the ISBN or ISSN number of the MBA journals.
We will be getting ISSN after publication of the first issue of every Journal.