Prosperity and Development for Holistic Growth


  • Krati sharma


sustainable development Environment, Human system, strategies, global


In order to illustrate the critical necessity for the environment's specific protection, this study emphasises the essential function of the environment as a crucial public resource within human systems. As far as we now know, any human system requires sustainability. In the past few decades, the idea of sustainable development has sparked a huge global movement, particularly in the area of education. Studies and research projects are being conducted to investigate novel solutions to improve global sustainability. The growth of a few key fundamental human values, such as love, truth, peace, morality, aesthetic values, and nonviolence, among others, is crucial in this regard. The article's conclusion makes a solid case for the importance of promoting sustainable development goals and a few fundamental human values among our pupils.It has become clear over the past few decades that we can no longer consider socioeconomic development in a vacuum from the environment. The key to the world's general prosperity is sustainable development. "Sustainable development" refers to the concept of advancing development while safeguarding future generations' capacity to meet their own needs. This idea is detailed in the landmark report of the same name. This broadly accepted concept emphasises how crucial it is to satisfy present needs without endangering the welfare of future residents. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which took place in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, is regarded as a historical occasion that significantly increased public awareness of the urgent environmental and developmental difficulties that the world community is currently facing. With the aim of setting the world up for the achievement of sustainable development goals, the summit brought together representatives of international organizations and non-governmental organizations from governments all over the world. Governments and international organizations have made significant efforts since UNCED enacted Agenda 21 to incorporate environmental, economic, and social goals into decision-making through new policies and strategies. Global issues like poverty and exclusion, unemployment, climate change, war, and humanitarian relief, as well as the need to strengthen institutions of governance and uphold the rule of law, are among the primary difficulties facing sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Krati sharma. (2023). Prosperity and Development for Holistic Growth. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management, 6(1). Retrieved from