Cultivating Innovation: Strategies for Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development


  • Mitesh Kadakia Badruka College of Commerce & Arts


Agriculture entrepreneurship plays a vital role in driving innovation, economic growth, and sustainability within the agricultural sector. By combining the principles of business with the unique challenges and opportunities presented in agriculture, entrepreneurs are able to create value, drive change, and contribute to food security on a global scale. In this article, we will explore the strategies and resources available for aspiring and established agricultural entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of entrepreneurship in agriculture, key development strategies and access to resources, technological advancements, government support, challenges faced, and success stories that inspire and inform the journey of entrepreneurship in the agricultural industry. We will also explore the various facets of agricultural entrepreneurship and how technological advancements like digital platforms, biotechnology, and precision farming are changing conventional agricultural methods. We'll also talk about how government initiatives, including subsidies, might create an atmosphere that encourages agricultural entrepreneurship. We will also discuss the typical difficulties faced by agricultural entrepreneurs, such as funding, scalability, and market access, and offer advice on how to get beyond them. This article intends to inspire and offer helpful advice to individuals wishing to start or advance their entrepreneurial path in the agricultural industry through a number of case studies and success stories


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How to Cite

Kadakia, M. (2024). Cultivating Innovation: Strategies for Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management, 7(2), 22–28. Retrieved from