
  • Anuradha.R
  • Dr. Mirshad Rahman T M


The paper explores the complex link between globalization and linguistic variety, looking at language's dual character as universal and heterogeneous phenomena. While navigating the historical backdrop of language studies, it highlights the emergence of English and its linguistic hegemony as it examines the era of plurality characterized by unparalleled globalization. Examining English conventions in-depth will help readers understand how they affect academic discourse, cultural norms, and communication standards. It also addresses how English came to be used for transnational decision-making, taking into account the social aspects that contributed to its appeal. The influence of widespread English use on linguistic diversity is also examined in this research, with an emphasis on how it affects native tongues. This study examines linguistic neglect, language dilution, and the growth of English dialects, with a focus on the difficulties African languages confront in the face of English domination. It also talks on how language homogeneity affects society and politics, promoting linguistic tolerance as a way to maintain diversity in thought, creativity, and cognitive flexibility. Paper highlights the possible loss of linguistic variety as it discusses the effects of economic rationalism and English promotion in emerging nations. By highlighting the importance of human linguistic diversity, it promotes changing language laws to protect and strengthen minority languages.


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How to Cite

Anuradha.R, & Dr. Mirshad Rahman T M. (2024). EXPLORING LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY: LANGUAGE STUDIES IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management, 7(2), 8–15. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoEPDM/article/view/1437