Safe On Power Purifier: Revolutionizing Electrical Safety through Innovative Entrepreneurship


  • Trilok Kumar Jain
  • Nirupa Jain


This is a case study on a startup, which aims to help people in their safety. A large number of fires happen every year due to electric short-circuits and there was no device to prevent such accidents. Punto Corporation launched a new product called Safe on Power Purifier to prevent any accidents caused by electric short circuits. This product has been appreciated by everyone as this is a revolutionary product for human safety and for preventing fires and accidents. The company has been having a smooth journey so far, but there are a few questions for discussions with the readers. The primary purpose is to promote critical thinking among the readers. While the company has had a pleasant voyage thus far, it faces a number of debate questions geared at encouraging readers to think critically. This study digs into the ideation, market evaluation, problem identification, company inception, new product development, impact, and future prospects of the Safe on Power Purifier, providing insights into Punto Corporation's innovative tactics. By examining the company's trajectory, this case study allows readers to engage in thoughtful discussions about the difficulties and potential in electrical safety and innovation.


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How to Cite

Trilok Kumar Jain, & Nirupa Jain. (2024). Safe On Power Purifier: Revolutionizing Electrical Safety through Innovative Entrepreneurship. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management, 7(2). Retrieved from