NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management <p><strong>NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management </strong>is a peer reviewed journal and provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of Entrepreneurship Development. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing papers introducing or elaborating on Online business and strategy &amp; Entrepreneurship and future analysis. It's a biannual journal, started in 2018.</p> MBA Journals (Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd) en-US NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2581-3900 <p><em><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">International Journals Publisher</span></strong></em></p> <p><strong>Journal – Copyright Transfer Form</strong></p> <p>In consideration of publication in the ‘<strong>JOURNAL</strong>’___________________________________________</p> <p>Of the article entitled ‘<strong>Article Title</strong>’________________________________________________</p> <p><strong>Corresponding Author’s Information:</strong></p> <p>Name:</p> <p>E-mail:</p> <p>Contact Number:</p> <p>I herein assign Journals Pub full copyright in all forms in the above mentioned contribution/article, including any supplementary material that we may author in support to the contribution. 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Indian banks offer home Loans to individuals who need to purchase a house or fabricate another one. Indian banks offer domestic advances with diverse intrigued rates, reimbursement periods, and other terms and conditions. Banks as a rule offer domestic advances with intrigued rates extending from 6.5% to 12%. The reimbursement period for domestic loans in India can be up to 3Loans a long time, depending on the bank and the borrower's inclination. Indian banks require borrowers to meet certain qualification criteria to be qualified for a domestic advance. These criteria incorporate age, pay, credit score, and work status. Banks ordinarily require borrowers to be between the ages of 18 and 65 a long time to be qualified for a domestic credit. The borrower's wage and credit score are moreover vital variables that decide qualification for a domestic credit. The borrower must have a steady source of pay and a great credit score to be qualified for a domestic advance. The documentation required to apply for a domestic credit in India incorporates verification of personality, address, pay, and work.&nbsp; They must too display documentation of their Fixed-rate, floating-rate, and crossover domestic loans work and pay, such as pay stubs, bank explanations, and assess returns. are among the alternatives that Indian banks give for contracts. Domestic loans are a prevalent choice among individuals in India who are looking to buy or develop a house. Banks in India give domestic advances with shifting intrigued rates, reimbursement periods, and other terms and conditions. To be qualified for a domestic advance, borrowers have to be meet particular qualification criteria and give the fundamental documentation. </em></p> P. Venkataiah Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2024-07-22 2024-07-22 7 2 EXPLORING LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY: LANGUAGE STUDIES IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD <p><em>The paper explores the complex link between globalization and linguistic variety, looking at language's dual character as universal and heterogeneous phenomena. While navigating the historical backdrop of language studies, it highlights the emergence of English and its linguistic hegemony as it examines the era of plurality characterized by unparalleled globalization. Examining English conventions in-depth will help readers understand how they affect academic discourse, cultural norms, and communication standards. It also addresses how English came to be used for transnational decision-making, taking into account the social aspects that contributed to its appeal. The influence of widespread English use on linguistic diversity is also examined in this research, with an emphasis on how it affects native tongues. This study examines linguistic neglect, language dilution, and the growth of English dialects, with a focus on the difficulties African languages confront in the face of English domination. It also talks on how language homogeneity affects society and politics, promoting linguistic tolerance as a way to maintain diversity in thought, creativity, and cognitive flexibility. Paper highlights the possible loss of linguistic variety as it discusses the effects of economic rationalism and English promotion in emerging nations. By highlighting the importance of human linguistic diversity, it promotes changing language laws to protect and strengthen minority languages.</em></p> Anuradha.R Dr. Mirshad Rahman T M Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2024-07-17 2024-07-17 7 2 Impact of AI in Economic Development of Jharkhand. A Paradigm shifted to MSME Sector in Ranchi District. (With Special Reference to Textile Industry <p><em>MSME sector has a great significance and contribution in the economy of any country, and it contributes around 29% of the total country GDP. The continuous growth of MSME sector is dependent upon several factors and adoption of new technologies including Artificial Intelligence is of utmost importance for the steady growth of the MSME sector. For the citizens, this industry creates millions of direct and indirect work opportunities. In the present era the computers, especially the artificial intelligence has taken over the humans’ efforts and made the working procedure very quick, easier and accurate. The introduction of AI in the field of MSME sector will set the new benchmarks and change the entire working procedure different and more productive. One of major objectives of the researcher was to find out the introduction of AI in the MSME Sector and measuring its impacts. The researcher combined descriptive and exploratory research methods in this study. The primary data was collected from the employees working in Textile industries in Ranchi and secondary data was collected from research articles, books, newspapers and websites. As per the finding of the researcher it is inevitable to incorporate the artificial intelligence and new technologies even in the field of MSME sector for its steady growth. This research work will prove to be beneficial for the industry, academia and society as a whole as it will unfold many hidden issues related to the implementation of AI in MSME sector</em></p> Priya Lakhotia Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 7 2 Cultivating Innovation: Strategies for Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development <p><em>Agriculture entrepreneurship plays a vital role in driving innovation, economic growth, and sustainability within the agricultural sector. By combining the principles of business with the unique challenges and opportunities presented in agriculture, entrepreneurs are able to create value, drive change, and contribute to food security on a global scale. In this article, we will explore the strategies and resources available for aspiring and established agricultural entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of entrepreneurship in agriculture, key development strategies and access to resources, technological advancements, government support, challenges faced, and success stories that inspire and inform the journey of entrepreneurship in the agricultural industry. We will also explore the various facets of agricultural entrepreneurship and how technological advancements like digital platforms, biotechnology, and precision farming are changing conventional agricultural methods. We'll also talk about how government initiatives, including subsidies, might create an atmosphere that encourages agricultural entrepreneurship. We will also discuss the typical difficulties faced by agricultural entrepreneurs, such as funding, scalability, and market access, and offer advice on how to get beyond them. This article intends to inspire and offer helpful advice to individuals wishing to start or advance their entrepreneurial path in the agricultural industry through a number of case studies and success stories</em></p> Mitesh Kadakia Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 2 The Significance of Forensic Accounting in Enhancing Financial Sustainability of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). <p><em>Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play a pivotal role in economic growth by providing jobs, fostering innovation, and increasing overall GDP, thus contributing to a stronger economy and higher national prosperity. Although, these organizations tend to encounter many challenges related to fraud, fraud framing, and problem, like compliance, which also make their financial sustainability. More so, it can be a Human Resource tool in this regard to provide investigative and analytical skills to the small and medium sized companies so that the sustainability of the businesses can be enhanced by finding the financial anomalies and risk management. The main focus of the study will be on the critical indication of the literature and current empirical data that forensic accounting is in fact able to help the financial health of MSMEs. The research focus is to establish how the anticipatory accounting methodology is essential for detecting fraud, internal control system, maintenance of the regulations and for the betterment of small and medium businesses (MSMEs). The research aims to establish the importance of anticipatory accounting methodologies in detecting fraud, maintaining internal control systems, adhering to regulations, and improving the financial sustainability of MSMEs. The significance of financial sustainability is derived from a literature analysis that reviews compliance with regulatory requirements, risk mitigation techniques, and fiscal management procedures. The study illustrates the main functions of forensic accounting in fraud detection, prevention, and investigation, including the process of revealing financial anomalies, locating assets, and supporting legal proceedings. This research explores the practical application of forensic accounting in MSMEs, revealing that it aids in superior decision-making processes and contributes to long-term financial stability. Additionally, it helps MSMEs in fraud prevention and risk management. The findings provide insight into the challenges MSMEs face when utilizing forensic accounting tools and highlight the need for efficiency in these procedures. This study adds to the growing body of research on the value of forensic accounting in enhancing the resilience and financial sustainability of MSMEs.</em></p> <p> </p> Rakshith Gowda K M S. Baskaran Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 7 2 Empowering Economics: The role of women entrepreneurship in driving Economic Development <p><em>Any economy depends heavily on its entrepreneurs. These are the people with the abilities and initiative required to promote solid new ideas and take the appropriate actions to ensure their profitability. The potential financial gains the entrepreneur could make are the payoff for the risks taken. A "women entrepreneur" is technically any woman who plans and runs any business, typically with a lot of initiative and risk. </em><em>However, the term "women-owned enterprise" is often used regarding government contracts. In this instance, the phrase suggests that the business is operated by a woman entrepreneur who also owns more than 50% of it. Women-owned businesses are essential to women's empowerment because they give them financial freedom and help to close the gender gap in the corporate world. These businesses frequently confront difficulties, such as restricted access to networks, cash, and resources, which call for focused assistance and regulations to guarantee their long-term viability.</em> <em>The entrepreneurship of women has a substantial effect on economic development as it increases GDP, creates jobs, and broadens the economic base. In addition to fostering more inclusive economic growth, assisting women in launching their businesses can also help to address some of the social issues that they encounter. This empowerment goes beyond personal benefits since it can enhance community growth and family welfare, which promotes a more just society.</em></p> Nikita Singla Dr Swaty Wadhwa Dr. Ameet Sao Rashmi Gujrati Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 7 2 43 53