Guest Editor

Special Issues: Guidelines for Guest Editors

A Special Issue is typically composed of original research papers, review articles, and an introduction by the Guest Editors. High-quality Special Issues benefit a journal by increasing usage and citations, as well as attracting new authors and readers. There is no limit to the number of papers that can be included in the special issue, nor is there a word limit/page budget, as long as the papers are of high quality.

This guide outlines the process of initiating, developing, editing, and publishing a
Special Issue in MBA Journals:


Your proposal needs to include:
1. Abstract
2. Summary
3. Justification for why the Special Issue is needed
4. Explanation of why the issue is particularly suitable for JMS, and how it
corresponds with the journal’s focus and tradition
5. A proposed timeline for each stage of the process

If Your Proposal is Approved

The Special Issue will be published within a month from the submission deadline, as a goal for the administration of the review and development process. This deadline may alter based on your efforts and the progress of other Special Issues in the works.

You'll be allocated a NOLEGEIN Journal of Financial Planning and Management Editor who will oversee your Special Issue, provide help on any tricky issues that arise, and provide input on conditionally accepted papers in the final phases of the process.

Benefits and Responsibilities of the (Lead) Guest Editor:

1. At every level of the review and publication process, the guest editor is responsible for ensuring that all proposed contributions are submitted on time.

2. Prior to submission, the guest editor must give all suggested manuscripts with a preliminary editorial evaluation for theme coherence, substantial contribution, and journal format.

3. Following external review, the guest editor is in charge of communicating editorial feedback to the authors and keeping track of the revision process. 

4. Make decisions on the acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts.

5. Throughout the editorial and publication process, the guest editor must be available to the faculty and student editors.

6. Ensure that the peer review process is fair, unbiased, and timely.

7. The Guest Editors are responsible for other more informal means of publicity, such as distributing the Call-for-Papers at conferences they attend, personally contacting associates working in the area to solicit submissions, announcing it on their personal websites, etc.

Please keep in mind that when we approve your Special Issue proposal, we are granting you permission to create a Special Issue under the auspices of NOLEGEIN Journal of Financial Planning and Management. All of your work reflects in the NOLEGEIN Journal of Financial Planning and Management, which is why we ask you to follow our 'normal' processes and procedures as you carry out your Special Issue.


1. To receive a Certificate of Honor (electronic version)
2. Obtain a listing on the journal's website.
3. Become a leader in scientific communication.
4. Contribute to the academic community and get recognized for it.
5. Assemble and collaborate with a competent editorial staff.