Top HR Journals

MBA Journals is a collection of Top Management Journals in Print and Online published from India.

We encourage research and thinking, and attempt to contribute to a better perception of MBA theories, its framework, resources, structures, systems, processes, and performance of organizations, as its focal point is on research and reflections relevant to academicians and practicing managers.MBA Journals covers various topics in management domains and has over 16 Top management Journals which are having good indexing and ISSN No.

List of Journals:

ISSN: 2581-5067
Subject Area: Retention Strategies, Herzberg's Theory, Employee Engagement, Organizational Behavior, Motivation Theory.
Indexing: Google Scholar, Crossref, LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, DRJI, Advanced Science Index.

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NOLEGEIN Journal of Human Resource Management & Development

ISSN: 2581-9461
Subject Area: Human Resource, HR Outsourcing, Global HR, Training and Development, Staffing Management, Ethics & Sustainability, Compensation Practices, Consulting and Diversity.
Indexing: Google Scholar, Crossref, LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, DRJI, Advanced Science Index.

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Associated Keywords: top HR journals, top hr journals in India, top 10 journals in human resource management, journal of human resources, journal of human resources ranking, top human resource journals, top human resource management journals, human resource management research journal, Indian journal of human resource management.