Application of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment and Selection Processes: with special reference to Recruitment Phase


  • Dr Meghna Jain
  • Mr. Aakash Gautam


This study explored the ways in which artificial intelligence is used in recruitment and selection in Human Resource Management. That has been various studies which has been focusing on recruitment and selection but there are only a few of them which have considered AI as a special tool used for recruitment and selection in various organizations.  A is being considered as a very important tool which helps in recruitment of people based on the requirements of the organization. AI helps in creating a strategy which could help in recruitment of personnel in an organization and the best person could be selected based on the criteria which has to be fulfilled by him or her. It could be said to be as an extended version of Technology within the information system. AI is useful in certain specific phases of recruitment like Sourcing, pre-selection, and engagement of candidates. However, many organizations do not prefer to use AI while recruiting personnel in their organization.  This study would contribute valuable insights into information related to HRM and the way AI has been integrated into the recruitment process.


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How to Cite

Dr Meghna Jain, & Mr. Aakash Gautam. (2024). Application of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment and Selection Processes: with special reference to Recruitment Phase. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Human Resource Management &Amp; Development, 7(2). Retrieved from