Emerging Trends in Science Teaching–Learning Beyond Classroom: Feasibility and Process


  • Rekha Nair
  • B. Devadasa Pai


learning science, outdoor teaching, secondary school, outdoor teaching strategy


In the present study, the researcher used the method of survey to focus on the present teaching method followed in the schools of neighbourhood and also reviewed some of the research literature related to science teaching out of the classroom as one of the innovative and effective methods of teaching science which can be practised in secondary school level to enhance quality in science teaching– learning process. And the researcher planned a strategy to follow this method to teach science. Using only traditional method like chalk and talk method, lecture method will not be effective in teaching science. Teaching science beyond the classroom is effective method of teaching to attain the objectives of teaching science. And the researcher found that teaching beyond the classroom following the strategy planned by the researcher is one of the effective methods of teaching science in secondary school to achieve objectives of teaching science.


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How to Cite

Rekha Nair, & B. Devadasa Pai. (2023). Emerging Trends in Science Teaching–Learning Beyond Classroom: Feasibility and Process. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Information Technology &Amp; Management, 5(2), 29–36. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoITM/article/view/1017