
  • Anuradha.R
  • Mirshad Rahman T M


The abstract provides the results of a thorough examination of the complex relationship between leadership styles and gender. Using a variety of research techniques and an extensive literature analysis, this study sheds light on the complex ways that gender affects leadership styles in a range of situations. This research advances knowledge of how societal norms, workplace culture, and personal characteristics interact to influence leadership behaviours by applying a gender lens to both classic and modern leadership paradigms. This study sheds light on the difficulties involved in navigating leadership responsibilities within diverse environments by elucidating the opportunities and challenges experienced by leaders of different genders through empirical analysis and qualitative inquiry. In the end, this comprehensive investigation provides insightful information for organizations and legislators looking to promote inclusive and productive leadership practices. The study finds notable trends and differences in the leadership styles of the various genders by applying a gender lens to both classic and modern leadership paradigms. It draws attention to the particular difficulties and chances that male, female, and non-binary leaders encounter in a variety of work environments. The empirical analysis is supported by qualitative inquiries, including interviews and case studies, providing a rich, contextual understanding of the lived experiences of leader.


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How to Cite

Anuradha.R, & Mirshad Rahman T M. (2024). EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GENDER AND LEADERSHIP APPROACHES: A HOLISTIC INVESTIGATION. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 7(2). Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoKSM/article/view/1408