A Study on the Driving Factors Empowering SC/ST Business Entrepreneurs in Bangalore Rural District




This research explores the driving factors that propel the success of SC/ST business entrepreneurs in the rural Bangalore region, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the elements empowering this underrepresented demographic. The study employs a qualitative approach, incorporating interviews, surveys, and case studies to gather nuanced insights into the experiences, challenges, and success stories of SC/ST entrepreneurs. With a focus on the unique socio-economic context of rural Bangalore, the research investigates various aspects contributing to entrepreneurial success. These include socio-cultural dynamics, access to resources, the impact of government policies, and the role of community support. By uncovering and analysing these factors, the study aims to contribute valuable insights to inform policies and initiatives that can better support SC/ST entrepreneurs. The research also delves into the influence of education, training programs, and mentorship initiatives on the entrepreneurial skills and confidence of SC/ST individuals. By identifying successful strategies and best practices, the study seeks to offer practical recommendations for policymakers, business support organizations, and educators interested in fostering entrepreneurship within underrepresented groups. Recognizing the potential cascading effects of successful SC/ST entrepreneurship, such as job creation, economic development, and social empowerment, the research aims to highlight the broader impact of inclusive entrepreneurial practices in rural areas. By addressing the specific needs of SC/ST entrepreneurs, this study aims to contribute to the creation of a more diverse, inclusive, and thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem in rural Bangalore and similar regions. In summary, this research endeavours to provide a comprehensive overview of the driving factors behind SC/ST entrepreneurial success in rural Bangalore, covering a range of elements from socio-cultural dynamics to educational interventions. The findings aim to offer practical insights for stakeholders committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

SAMPATH KUMAR, & LAKSHMINARAYANA K. (2024). A Study on the Driving Factors Empowering SC/ST Business Entrepreneurs in Bangalore Rural District. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 7(2). Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoKSM/article/view/1421