
  • Ram Krishna Mandal
  • Kumar Tok


This study examines strategies to enhance farm efficiency under sustainable practices in India. Utilizing a descriptive approach encompassing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, the research explores key efficiency metrics such as labor productivity, technological adoption, scale efficiency, and resource management. Despite India ranking second globally in agricultural output, with a significant contribution to the economy, average farmer incomes remain low, primarily due to outdated practices and limited mechanization. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies are used in this mostly descriptive study. Result and Discussion: Labor efficiency is one sort of efficiency that contrasts the labor productivity in various farm types. India is the nation with the second-highest output of agriculture worldwide! With eighty percent of its products coming from farms, this nation is in the top five! Additionally, it is the seventh-largest exporter of agricultural products. The four pillars of production are labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurs. All of the indicators that track the effectiveness or performance of the farm company fall under these four categories, despite the fact that there are many of them. Conclusion: In order to increase agricultural yields and sustainability, actions include the application of new technology, the crucial and effective ecological approach, and the economical use of resources.


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How to Cite

Ram Krishna Mandal, & Kumar Tok. (2024). STRENGTHEN FARM EFFICIENCY IN INDIA UNDER SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES: AN ANALYTICAL STUDY. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 7(2). Retrieved from