Leadership in crisis time & Thought Leadership


  • Tuhin Mukharjee Management Professor & Corporate Trainer


Covid-19 caused the globe to face enormous challenges. It has a big impact on practically every aspect of life. Everybody is impacted in terms of the economy, society, and psychology. The world has changed, and we must properly comprehend, embrace, and navigate it. Globally, there has been a shortage of money, making it difficult for anyone to obtain necessities. Market access has been impeded by trade restrictions and containment measures. For everyone, COVID-19 is a crisis. It has an impact on small and medium-sized businesses. The COVID-19 dilemma is requesting a rebalancing measure from the entire world. Everybody has times when they feel like they could have done a better job, whether it's making a report, presenting, or giving criticism. It is our responsibility to improve the planet.  More than ever, leadership is essential during times of crisis. We can navigate uncertainty and make progress toward healing and development with the help of effective leadership. To successfully traverse this new reality, strong social and economic leadership is essential. In order to attain long-term competitive advantages and unleash the potential of untapped markets, leaders need to investigate alternative business models. In order to promote sustainability and resilience during this transition, citizen-based energy systems and renewable energy sources are essential. Thought Leadership, a concept with roots in the 19th century, has re-emerged as a vital mindset in today's context. It involves challenging the status quo and introducing innovative approaches to improve lives through technology, smart applications, and new business models.


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How to Cite

Tuhin Mukharjee. (2024). Leadership in crisis time & Thought Leadership. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 7(2). Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoKSM/article/view/1476