Impact of Gender Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Performance


  • Abha Gupta
  • Devika Bhardwaj,


Gender Diversity and Inclusion plays an important role in organization. Individuals with diverse experiences collaborate and infuse organizations with new ideas. The phrase "gender diversity" refers to the fair and equal representation of all genders within an organization. All the genders have equal growth opportunities and promotion in the organization. Gender diversity affects an organization's ability to generate higher revenues in addition to the experience of its employees. procedure used by the business to guarantee a sense of support and belonging. In the workplace, gender inclusion is essential to creating a varied and welcoming atmosphere. Goal of this study is to create a theoretical framework to investigate how Gender Diversity impacts on performance of the organization, Employee Motivation and Innovation and Creativity within organizations. The study was performed on primary data and the method of collection of data was online Questionnaire form. It underwent regression analysis. Microsoft Excel was the program utilized to analyse the data. Organizational performance and gender diversity and inclusion demonstrated a linear link. This can help the Human Resource department of organization to have Gender Diverse workforce in their organization. This study can contribute to various aspects in organization related to Gender Diverse workforce in the organization


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How to Cite

Abha Gupta, & Devika Bhardwaj,. (2024). Impact of Gender Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Performance. Nolegein - Journal of Organizational Behavior and Management, 7(2). Retrieved from