Build The Skills Your Company Needs


  • Ganesh Ex -Serviceman


This article explores the critical importance of intelligence agencies and understanding "intelligence of the future" for contemporary companies' survival and success. It begins with recent research on the evolving nature of professional positions, jobs, and requisite skills within companies. Two distinct approaches to developing organizational capabilities for consulting firms are presented, along with preliminary steps for establishing an intelligence agency and identifying key issues. Examples from various companies demonstrate diverse skills-focused approaches. However, the article does not delve into the extensive literature on "intelligence of the future" or offer specific planning studies or recommendations. The concept of "future skills" involves actively shaping the future The necessity for professional organizations is highlighted by the focus on "intelligence" and "future intelligence," emphasizing the need for company innovation. The World Economic Forum predicts that 40% of today's core workforce skills will change significantly within the next five years (World Economic Forum, 2020). McKinsey's research indicates that approximately 6.5 million workers in Germany will need to transition to new jobs and acquire new skills, with 4 million workers facing job obsolescence due to technological advancements and automation. Business leaders acknowledge the skills gap, necessitating collective societal efforts beyond individual companies. Many companies are addressing this issue through Skilling and Reskilling projects, with job mobility and rotation as significant responses. Key characteristics of a smart organization include continuous evaluation of job skills, leveraging internal and external resources to identify future skills, integrating communication skills into business strategies, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and maintaining strong adaptability.


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How to Cite

Ganesh. (2024). Build The Skills Your Company Needs. Nolegein - Journal of Organizational Behavior and Management, 7(2), 37–42. Retrieved from