An Extensive Review and Analysis of Training and Development for Improving Employee Performance


  • Muhammad Asif


The purpose of this study paper is to offer a thorough analysis of how training and development might improve employee performance. By examining existing literature, empirical evidence, and theoretical frameworks, this study explores the significance of training and development programs in improving employee knowledge, skills, motivation, job satisfaction, and overall organizational productivity. Additionally, the research looks into the factors that affect how training, development, and employee performance are related. The findings highlight the positive impact of training and development initiatives, emphasizing their importance for organizations in achieving optimal performance. Discussions include suggestions for creating and putting into place efficient training and development programs, as well as practical consequences for HR professionals.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Asif. (2023). An Extensive Review and Analysis of Training and Development for Improving Employee Performance. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Operations Research &Amp; Management, 6(1), 28–45. Retrieved from