NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies <p><strong>NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management &amp; Retention Strategies </strong>is a peer reviewed journal and provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of performance management and retention strategies. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing papers introducing or elaborating on new methods in employee engagement and retention. It's a biannual journal, started in 2018.</p> MBA Journals (Consortium eLearning Network Pvt Ltd) en-US NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2581-5067 Strategic Implementation and Change Management in Nigeria’s Higher Education: Organisational Opportunities for Rivers State University in the Online Distance Learning Market <p><em>Change within organizations is essential for growth and adaptability, helping to minimize the risks of obsolescence or strategic drift. In the Higher Education (HE) sector, new and evolving modes of teaching and learning present significant opportunities, offering advantages such as improved access to educational resources and the expansion of markets for distance learning. For universities in Nigeria, strategic management through effective policy formulation and planning is crucial to capitalize on these online market opportunities. From a business and investment perspective, organic growth through synergistic diversification, expansion, and restructuring is necessary for Nigerian universities to retain and fully capitalize on their high-performing programs. Rivers State University (RSU) is well-positioned to exploit opportunities in both the international and local distance learning markets, given its current IT infrastructure reconfiguration. This study uses the case of RSU to conduct a detailed evaluation of the online market opportunity, highlighting the complexities of change management. It also draws attention to a common pitfall in strategic management within organizations, where emphasis may be disproportionately placed on formulation and planning rather than on implementation. The findings suggest that RSU has the potential to achieve cost leadership and capture a significant share of Nigeria’s HE market, which is still expanding and not yet saturated. The expansion into the online market fills a major strategic gap—an emerging "blue ocean"—within Nigeria’s public HE sectors. The study concludes that the long-term competitive survival of Nigerian universities, as business entities, depends on their ability and capacity for change. Thus, Nigerian universities must embrace the inevitable phenomenon of change.</em></p> Amadi Alolote Amieye Dapiriteye Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 7 2 A study on employee satisfaction on employee engagement schemes in RP agencies <p><em>The employee engagement construct assesses the degree to which employees are willing to go above and beyond, feel committed to the organization, and are present at work. Higher ratings suggest that employees believe their ideas are useful, that their work has an impact on the company, and that their well-being and development are valued. Employee engagement (sometimes called work engagement or worker engagement) is a business management phrase. The degree to which an employee feels positively or negatively about their work, coworkers, and company is measured as employee engagement, and it has a significant impact on how motivated they are to learn and perform at work." An "engaged employee" is someone who is fully committed to and passionate about their work, acting in a way that advances the goals of their organization. Employee engagement (sometimes called work engagement or worker engagement) is a business management phrase. An "engaged employee" is one who is entirely invested in and excited about his or her work, and consequently performs in ways that benefit their organization. " </em><em>An employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their work, coworkers, and company is measured as employee engagement, and it has a big impact on how eager they are to learn and perform well at work. This emotional attachment has a huge impact on their willingness to learn, perform, and remain dedicated to their roles. Unlike enjoyment, motivation, culture, climate, and opinion, engagement is a distinct concept that represents the complex relationship between an individual and their workplace. Engagement is especially difficult to assess since it has multiple dimensions, including emotional, cognitive, and behavioural.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Sunita Nikhil Shah Tanish Raina Juhi Honmane Pratik Kharat Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2024-09-04 2024-09-04 7 2 THE EFFECT OF WORKING FROM HOME ON WORK EFFICIENCY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE OF WOMEN EMPLOYEES IN DIFFERENT SECTORS OF BENGALURU CITY <p><em>WORK FROM HOME is an arrangement in which workers work remotely, primarily from their homes, allowing them more flexibility in their work schedule. Following COVID, work-from-home became more common. It contains both positive and negative aspects. job LIFE BALANCE is a concept used to describe the efficient management of one's job and personal life. Women are finding themselves in a stress mind, comprising the choice between family and occupational progress.</em> <em>The objective of this study is to identify the impact of Work from Home on Work Life Balance of Women and Work Efficiency in different sectors of women employees. Study tries to provide possible solutions to improve work efficiency and work life balance by collecting data through survey among women employees of different sectors in Bengaluru city who has both the experience of WFH and work from office. The main objective of this study is to determine how WFH affects work-life balance and female employee productivity in various industries. This study aims to provide insights and practical solutions to improve women’s productivity and work-life balance. This study aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of working from home for women by collecting data through a questionnaire on women entrepreneurs in Bangalore who have experienced WFH and routine work environment in. The findings aim to educate employers and governments on how best to support women to achieve a better balance between their work and personal lives and to increase their productivity in the context of WFH.</em></p> Chaitrashree M R Shailaja M.L Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 7 2 Use of Technology in Education Through Hybrid Mode <p><em>Education plays an important role to realize one’s full potential, creating society and advancing national progress. </em><em>The New Education Policies foresee significant technologically assisted reforms to the educational sector. India is the global leader in ICTs (information and communication technology) and other cutting-edge disciplines. The Digital India Campaign is playing a significant role in the nation's transformation toward a digitally empowered knowledge economy and society.</em><em> While education will be essential to this change, technology itself will also have a significant impact on how well educational procedures and results are carried out. Thus, there is a reciprocal relationship at all educational levels between technology and education. The way education is provided and received is changing drastically because of the widespread use of digital technology in recent years. The dissemination of instructional programs is becoming better every day as education becomes more digital. Nevertheless, unless the digital divide is closed, the advantages of online and digital learning cannot be fully realized. It is crucial that the employment of technology in digital and online learning sufficiently meets equality problems. This paper explores the current developments in digital education in India, the challenges and recommendations for acquiring equitable digital education, and the need for equal access to technology in order to close the digital divide.</em></p> Priya Dhir Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 7 2 Tools for Strategic Success in Organizations <p><em>The capacity of a business to hold onto its workforce is known as employee retention. Employee retention has grown in importance. Employers adopt a variety of strategies to keep their staff. Because it becomes more</em><em> expensive to hire and educate new personnel, a high staff turnover rate has an impact on the organization's profitability. It is a useful tool for strategy in company.</em><em> Those who do not accept defeat salaries, benefit plans, (360)-degree reviews etc. organizations can use it according to their own situation Ease and necessity of keeping employees in the organization. Employee retention is a process adopted by companies to effectively manage employees while meeting requirements. Employees are an organization's greatest asset because they add value. The purpose of the study is Why Employees Leave and Why They Stay How to Create Your Own Employee Retention Strategy</em> <em>Developing an efficient retention strategy requires knowing why people leave and what keeps them around. Organizations can identify the primary factors impacting employee turnover and create focused programs to address them by doing thorough research and analysis. The key to effective employee retention is developing a positive and encouraging work environment that draws top talent and fosters long-term loyalty and contentment among current employees. Companies can become employers of choice and retain their most talented employees by making investments in employee development, encouraging work-life balance, and cultivating open communication.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ganesh Radhakrishnan Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 7 2 29 38 Innovative Teaching and Learning Process with Multidisciplinary Approach <p><em>Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. </em><em>The education in management begins with theories and practicals. </em><em>The teaching and learning process in management employs a variety of approaches. Numerous methods can be used in teaching.</em><em> Generally, by giving lectures, demonstrations, realistic examples and summarizing the topic in an easy way. </em><em>These methods emphasize memory, applications, and topic comprehension while concentrating on the main ideas. A student can learn by seeing and hearing, acting, and reflecting, memorization and visualization, and project preparation, among other methods. This essay focuses mostly on cutting-edge teaching and learning strategies that combine interdisciplinary methodologies to raise the bar for management education. Teachers may help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability—all crucial for success in the fast-paced business world of today—by including them in case studies, simulations, and cooperative projects. Furthermore, utilizing cutting-edge technologies like gamification, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence may provide immersive learning environments that connect with modern students and close the knowledge gap between theory and practice. This article emphasizes how crucial it is for management educators to adopt a diverse approach to teaching and learning that values cooperation, innovation, and creativity in order to better prepare students for the possibilities and difficulties of the global marketplace of the future.</em></p> Neha Lodwal Copyright (c) 2024 NOLEGEIN-Journal of Performance Management & Retention Strategies 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 7 2 5 9