Review on Approaches to Eveluating Online Store


  • Dawood Shah Nazari
  • Mohammad Salem Hamidi


The development of internet shopping has caused substantial changes in customer behavior and the evolution of online retailers. This paper aims to explore various approaches to evaluating online stores and their impact on customer experience. The study looks at the following aspects: Theoretical Model for the Unified Online Customer Experience: The research proposes a theoretical model for a unified online customer experience, drawing from existing literature on consumer behavior in online retail settings. The Digital Evolution of Consumer Purchasing Methods: The research investigates the increase in online sales and its impact on in-store purchases, confirming the emergence of phenomena such as showrooming. Construction of Online Shopping Experience: This research enhances the theoretical understanding of online consumer experience in the context of e-shopping by using a representative grid method. Analyzing and modeling changes in online shopping behavior: The study examines and models changes in online purchasing behavior caused by external events, such as the COVID-19 epidemic, and their impact on the balance of online and in-store shopping. Online shopping continues after COVID-19.: The article investigates the continuation of online buying behavior in nations such as Canada, Germany, and the United States, comparing preferences and trends in the post-pandemic era. Equal is an instrument for consumer evaluation of websites. The study presents WebQual, a method that assesses customer satisfaction with website performance and usability. Cross-Country Comparison of Online Shopping Behavior: The study conducts a cross-country comparison of online shopping behavior, highlighting the influence of cultural and economic factors on consumer preferences. By exploring these various approaches to evaluating online stores, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence customer experience in online shopping environments and the potential implications for the future of e-commerce.


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How to Cite

Dawood Shah Nazari, & Mohammad Salem Hamidi. (2024). Review on Approaches to Eveluating Online Store. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management, 6(2), 35–40. Retrieved from