Algorithm in E-commerce logistics


  • Muhammad Razi noori
  • Dr. Mohammad Salem Hamidi


First, the logistics information for e-commerce is explained. A detailed analysis is also done on the block chain technology, cryptography technology, block chain consensus algorithm, block chain application scenarios, and other relevant technologies. In the end, a block chain model for tracking logistical information in real-time for e-commerce is developed. It is discovered that data will only be saved on the chain when more than 51% of the distributed system's nodes certify that the data are accurate. If not, there would be no impact on the chain's data. Finally, the model description and hypothesis of real-time tracking of e-commerce logistics information based on block chain technology are verified to provide guarantee for improving real-time tracking of e-commerce logistics information. provide defence against unauthorized modifications or tampering. We validate the proposed model and assumptions at to show how well they work to improve the real-time tracking capabilities of e-commerce logistics information systems. The end This study is a first step toward integrating blockchain technology to improve the dependability and effectiveness of e-commerce logistics operations. The demonstrated effectiveness of the suggested model and its underlying assumptions presents a viable approach to augmenting the e-commerce logistics systems' real-time tracking capacities. This study lays the foundation for future developments in the area by integrating blockchain technology as a first step toward improving the reliability and effectiveness of e-commerce logistics operations


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How to Cite

Muhammad Razi noori, & Dr. Mohammad Salem Hamidi. (2024). Algorithm in E-commerce logistics. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management, 7(1), 6–11. Retrieved from