
  • Ms. Sonam Budhrani
  • Dr Meghna Jain


Fintech, sometimes known as "Financial Technology," is the term used to describe the application of technology to improve or automate financial services or processes. It includes a quickly expanding sector that offers a variety of services to meet the needs of both businesses and consumers. This paper represents an overview on the rapid digitization, automation, and enhancement of financial services in India. The fintech sector encompasses a wide range of products and services, such as mobile banking applications and payment processing systems, that are intended to enhance consumer experience and streamline enterprise financial operations. Fintech has evolved and expanded over time in reaction to advancements in the larger technology industry. Driven by creative business models and rising consumer demand for smooth, economical, and customer-focused financial services, fintech has developed and grown throughout time in reaction to developments in the larger technology sector. The report delves deeper into the noteworthy expansion of fintech in India, propelled by favourable governmental policies, regulatory structures, and a resilient digital infrastructure. The fintech industry in India, with its distinct blend of capital investments, technological know-how, and entrepreneurial spirit, is set to revolutionize the financial services industry. With a view to provide insights into the fintech industry's future trajectory and possible influence on the global fintech ecosystem, this study intends to shed light on the development, possibilities, and difficulties facing the fintech industry in India.


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How to Cite

Ms. Sonam Budhrani, & Dr Meghna Jain. (2024). DIGITAL DIMES: UNVEILING THE FUTURE LANDSCAPE OF FINTECH IN . NOLEGEIN-Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management, 7(2). Retrieved from