
  • Pradeep


Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a crucial facilitator of supply chains (SC), playing a vital role in monitoring SC competitiveness and management. Consequently, AI has gained significant recognition in the field of management. However, there is a lack of comprehensive academic research focusing on specific AI techniques. Our study specifically targets the most prevalent artificial intelligence techniques in supply chain management. AI is widely acknowledged for its significant contribution to supply chain management (SCM), despite the inherent risks associated with its use. Furthermore, this study highlights the applications of employing AI techniques collectively, as they enable the achievement of optimal results in SCM while minimizing resource utilization. combined use of AI approaches to get best results in SCM while minimizing resource use. Businesses can reduce waste, energy usage, and operating expenses by automating predictive maintenance, improving demand forecasting, and optimizing inventory levels through the use of AI. But in order to ensure transparency, moral data usage, and responsible deployment, it is imperative to understand the ethical and social obligations connected to the application of AI. This study not only highlights how AI may revolutionize supply chain sustainability, but it also discusses the obstacles and moral issues that need to be resolved in order to fully realize the advantages of AI.


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How to Cite

Pradeep. (2024). AN OVERVIEW ON THE APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IN SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management, 7(2). Retrieved from