Supply Chain For Sustainable Development & Growth


  • Tuhin Mukharjee Management Professor & Corporate Trainer


Business Environment, corporate strategy, business strategy, speed, cost, process


Supply chain management has got immense importance in present time & it is used for sustainable development & growth. Supply chain strategy must be in line with corporate strategy & business strategy. An organization may have strategic business units (SBUs) for various purposes & thus must have SBU strategy. SBU strategy must be linked with corporate business strategy & both of them must be integrated with supply chain strategy. For long run to survive, supply chain system must be agile, effective & dynamic. Speed is another important aspect in today’s business world. Speed of delivery of goods or service to end customers can give sustainable development & growth to the organizations. Today’s business environment is very unpredictable & dynamic. Standing in this kinds of dynamic environment, organizations needs to be flexible enough and an efficient supply chain system must be developed. Green supply chain is another aspect where all organization should focus on. There are lots of debate & discussion regarding green supply chain management & how it should be implemented. For sustainable development & growth, green supply chain is the thrust area. Organizations must focus on strategic cost management also. Increasing quality & reducing cost can give sustainable development. Economic condition & management capability is another thrust area where organizations need to think upon. Economic condition may change from time to time & organization must be in a position to adopt it. Firms need to improve its process capability to survive for longer period of time & can develop competitive advantage.



How to Cite

Tuhin Mukharjee. (2020). Supply Chain For Sustainable Development & Growth. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Supply Chain and Logistics Management, 3(2), 1–7. Retrieved from