A study on consumer satisfaction towards mobile app banking system


  • Jatinder Kaur
  • Nikunj
  • Dr. Monisha Gupta Vashishta


This executive summary provides an overview of a study. Through this study, we aim to gain insights into consumer perceptions, experiences, and satisfaction levels with mobile app banking systems. By employing rigorous research methodologies, including surveys, interviews, and usability testing, we seek to identify key drivers of satisfaction and areas for improvement. The findings of this study will not only benefit banks and financial institutions in refining their mobile banking offerings but also contribute to the broader discourse on digital banking and consumer behavior in the digital era. This project is a descriptive type. Questionnaires were circulated for the survey which took around 4-6 weeks to complete the whole research. This survey was done only in the Delhi region only The data was collected based on questionnaires from the different users of online banking. The data analysis is done using graphs and charts. From the responses we interpreted that majority of respondents use mobile banking app weekly. HDFC bank Mobile Banking app is the most used app by the respondents. We asked our respondents about the factors affecting their satisfaction and majorly everyone agreed that user interface is visually appealing, app provide wide range of usefull features, they feel secured, it is user friendly and satisfactory customer support provided to them. But most of the people also faced technical issues and bugs in their apps. Overall customer experience is satisfied, and they would also recommend the app they are using to others.


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How to Cite

Jatinder Kaur, Nikunj, & Dr. Monisha Gupta Vashishta. (2024). A study on consumer satisfaction towards mobile app banking system. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Financial Planning and Management, 7(1), 124–141. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoFPM/article/view/1402