Effect of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on Short-term Solvency: A Study on Airports Authority of India


  • Prasanta Kumar Jayasingh


Lending rate, borrowing rate, exchange rate, liquidity


The field of Macro-economic Variables and Financial Performance is ever-evolving, and a wide array of research has illuminated this field for the past three decades. The present study explores the impact of macro-economic variables on the liquidity of the sample company. The current research has relied on secondary data over a period of 18 years. The authors have deployed regression analysis by using statistical software SPSS over a cross sectional data set. The study found that the Airport Authority of India is a growing company and has recorded an increasing trend over the period of study. Out of different macro-economic factors, only FDI have significant positive impact on liquidity of Airport Authority of India.


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How to Cite

Prasanta Kumar Jayasingh. (2023). Effect of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on Short-term Solvency: A Study on Airports Authority of India. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Financial Planning and Management, 5(2), 1–13. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoFPM/article/view/980