Australia’s Energy Crises (Wicked Problem)


  • Karan Jain Student


Energy Crises, energy system, agricultural problems, Economic development


There is a dangerous contradiction the way Australia is developing its energy resources for the future. Australia is rushing the exports of natural gas which is the backbone of Australia’s energy resources & is a wicked problem as it has created an imbalance in every energy sector in Australia. By doing so, Australian leadership is putting pressure on other sources of energy and most of them are yet to be materialized properly. The environmental implication of current scenarios is enormous. Energy crises in Australia are likely to add another 10% of taxes to the residents of Australia. It has also contributed to irrigation problems in the agricultural sector, enterprise development, and economic development.

This paper discusses leadership issues in Australia that are responsible for creating an imbalance in power sources in Australia which can be resolved by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory. This paper also provides justification for leadership approaches that can help to solve energy crises in Australia.   



How to Cite

Jain, K. (2019). Australia’s Energy Crises (Wicked Problem). NOLEGEIN- Journal of Business Risk Management, 2(2), 6–14. Retrieved from