Motivation Impact on Organization Effectiveness in Afghanistan Businesses


  • Abdul Hakim Noori


Organizations and businesses want to succeed in the marketplace and achieve long-term economic prosperity. On the other hand, in today's world of globalization and fierce competition, tools and technology are rapidly evolving. As a result, the market has become dangerous. Business enterprises would have to make full use of all available resources. It is commonly understood that human resources or organizational personnel are a critical asset for attaining success. However, what makes workers of a business organization (BO) happy or driven to reach their set goals? In this study, we look at some of the factors that influence employees' motivation to improve their performance. The study will recognize the link between employee motivation and organizational success, and ultimately the development of business organizations' profits, via theoretical and empirical analysis. The goal of this study is to examine the impact of employee motivation on organizational success. Personnel motivation will comprise elements such as employee bonuses and awards, good communication within the workplace, and job satisfaction. Moreover, a positive organizational culture and a supportive work environment are instrumental in nurturing motivation. When employees feel valued, respected, and connected to the larger mission of the business, they are more likely to demonstrate commitment and dedication. Leaders who prioritize transparency, inclusivity, and a collaborative approach contribute significantly to building a motivational atmosphere within the workplace.


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How to Cite

Abdul Hakim Noori. (2023). Motivation Impact on Organization Effectiveness in Afghanistan Businesses. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Business Ethics , Ethos &Amp; CSR, 6(2), 26–32. Retrieved from