The Role of Employability In Enhancing The Role of Soft Skills In Enhancing Employability of Technical Graduates: A Study


  • Dr. Prem Singh Parihar
  • Aparajita Banerjee
  • Richa Vishwakarma
  • Shashi Binani


This study examines the pivotal role of soft skills in augmenting the employability of technical graduates. In today's ever-evolving job market, while technical prowess is highly valued, it is becoming increasingly evident that soft skills are equally crucial. Communication, critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence, all play integral roles in a graduate's ability to navigate and thrive. The paper investigates the impact of soft skills on job readiness, career progression, and overall job performance while exploring strategies for fostering these skills within technical education contexts. By meticulously examining existing literature and survey data, this research presents a comprehensive perspective on the importance and necessity and even sustainable development  of soft skills. These skills, when coupled with technical knowledge, significantly augment employability prospects. and overall job performance, as well as exploring tactics for developing these abilities in technical training-focused educational settings. By means of a thorough examination of extant literature in conjunction with survey data, this study provides an all-encompassing viewpoint on the importance and necessity of developing soft skills. It emphasizes how graduates' employment chances are significantly improved when these abilities are combined with technical proficiency, opening the door to long-term professional success and progress


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How to Cite

Dr. Prem Singh Parihar, Aparajita Banerjee, Richa Vishwakarma, & Shashi Binani. (2024). The Role of Employability In Enhancing The Role of Soft Skills In Enhancing Employability of Technical Graduates: A Study. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Business Ethics , Ethos &Amp; CSR, 7(1), 30–39. Retrieved from