Role of Research in Nation Building


  • Neha Sharma Student



economy efficiency, employers, government, innovation, knowledge, national problems, R & D, science and technology


This article focuses on the role of research in building of nation. Nation is a group of people living in a country with a distinct government. Building of nation is necessary for evolution and progress. The meaning of nation building is development of education. The base of nation building is research. Research is developed from knowledge. Knowledge is the ability to think innovative ideas from human mind. A person who thinks such innovative ideas plays a very important role in the field of research. Research is elaboration of knowledge stock where we can find out more information of anything and we can utilise the application of this extra information in the building of nation. The main aim of research is gaining knowledge so that we can build our nation very well. We have need to connect research with nation development to build society, polity, and economy for the removal of poverty, unemployment, inequality, etc. The main goal of nation is to support R & D to improve growth, increase economic efficiency, and higher the number of employers. When we build a nation, then we need a strong financial investment and only research make this investment succeed. As we see our society is changing day by day and basic needs are also changing, so we need a lot of applications of science and technology. Without research, we will have no development in nation. If we want that our nation is to develop or brighter day by day, then we must work on our innovative ideas, so that we could build our nation very well with strong economy. With research, we will take our nation on another top level of success. Research can help in national problems and we could get solution of problems with the help of research.



How to Cite

Neha Sharma. (2020). Role of Research in Nation Building. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Business Risk Management, 3(2), 9–13.