The Significance of Forensic Accounting in Enhancing Financial Sustainability of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).


  • Rakshith Gowda K M
  • S. Baskaran


Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) play a pivotal role in economic growth by providing jobs, fostering innovation, and increasing overall GDP, thus contributing to a stronger economy and higher national prosperity. Although, these organizations tend to encounter many challenges related to fraud, fraud framing, and problem, like compliance, which also make their financial sustainability. More so, it can be a Human Resource tool in this regard to provide investigative and analytical skills to the small and medium sized companies so that the sustainability of the businesses can be enhanced by finding the financial anomalies and risk management. The main focus of the study will be on the critical indication of the literature and current empirical data that forensic accounting is in fact able to help the financial health of MSMEs. The research focus is to establish how the anticipatory accounting methodology is essential for detecting fraud, internal control system, maintenance of the regulations and for the betterment of small and medium businesses (MSMEs). The research aims to establish the importance of anticipatory accounting methodologies in detecting fraud, maintaining internal control systems, adhering to regulations, and improving the financial sustainability of MSMEs. The significance of financial sustainability is derived from a literature analysis that reviews compliance with regulatory requirements, risk mitigation techniques, and fiscal management procedures. The study illustrates the main functions of forensic accounting in fraud detection, prevention, and investigation, including the process of revealing financial anomalies, locating assets, and supporting legal proceedings. This research explores the practical application of forensic accounting in MSMEs, revealing that it aids in superior decision-making processes and contributes to long-term financial stability. Additionally, it helps MSMEs in fraud prevention and risk management. The findings provide insight into the challenges MSMEs face when utilizing forensic accounting tools and highlight the need for efficiency in these procedures. This study adds to the growing body of research on the value of forensic accounting in enhancing the resilience and financial sustainability of MSMEs.



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How to Cite

Rakshith Gowda K M, & S. Baskaran. (2024). The Significance of Forensic Accounting in Enhancing Financial Sustainability of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). NOLEGEIN- Journal of Entrepreneurship Planning, Development and Management, 7(1). Retrieved from