Relevance of Existentialism and Education System in Current Scenario: An Analysis


  • Wilson Chauhan
  • Dr. Shabina Khan


Existentialism is primarily a reaction and protests all rationalistic and speculative ideologies. It emphasizes human existence and distinctive human characteristics. It signifies the restoration of man to himself and summons him to confront the problems and to realize the opportunities of his existence as a "concrete individual." Existentialism is a philosophy that deals with self-identification and the meaning of life via free will, choice, and individual responsibility. Existentialism can be both theistic and atheistic. Theistic existentialists view God as "the source of one's being," "the foundation of all being," and "one's ultimate concern." Man comprehends his spiritual essence and the existence of the divine as he gains a deeper understanding of himself. Existentialism began to gain popularity and support from several highly innovative and influential writers and philosophers in the early 20th century. Numerous academicians and authors are currently attempting to analyze and comprehend existentialism in all its forms and manifestations. Consequently, the concepts and problems of existentialism have been extensively examined and discussed, if not exhaustively. Nonetheless, the primary concern appears to be whether existentialism is still applicable today. Today, man's existence is in jeopardy; he is miserable and has regressed. Protecting man's existence, rescuing him from despondency, and guiding his development are essential. Existentialist ideas and, more importantly, their educational implications acquire a great deal of significance under these conditions, as education is viewed as a crucial instrument for resolving problems in modern society. Existentialism may fight against all elements that threaten human existence and tend to dehumanize society through its ideas and educational initiatives. This explains why the problem selected for the current investigation was chosen. The precise title of this investigation is "A Critical Analysis of the Existentialist View of Education and Its Implications for Human Existence and Progress." Possibly because the teacher-student relationship appears to be so fundamental to the concept of education, educational academics have frequently concentrated on how to characterize it. It is impossible to conceive of the educational process without considering both the individuals being educated and the teachers. Even though there are a variety of perspectives regarding the teacher's role in relation to the pupil, the lived experience of this relationship is, arguably, substantially less discussed. These questions are essential for comprehending what the teacher-student relationship entails on the one hand, as well as for considering what it feels like to be in one and the implications that can have for how we perceive ourselves and our responsibilities as instructors or students on the other.


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How to Cite

Wilson Chauhan, & Dr. Shabina Khan. (2023). Relevance of Existentialism and Education System in Current Scenario: An Analysis. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 6(2), 21–25. Retrieved from