Recent Employment Schemes of the Government of India: Reducing Unemployment and Enhancing Self-Employment Opportunities


  • Bharatkumar K.Jotva


This research paper aims to explore the recent employment schemes implemented by the Government of India and their impact on reducing unemployment rates. Additionally, it will discuss various schemes that have enhanced self-employment opportunities for individuals. The paper adopts a well-prepared research methodology, analyzing the effectiveness of these schemes and their contribution to Indias economic growth. India is a developing largest democratic country in a world. Unemployment is one of the major socio-economic problem days by effects to reduce the prosperity and growth of a nation. carefully human resource planning will play very vital role to reduce the unemployment problemIndia, the world's largest democratic developing country, has a high rate of unemployment that has a big effect on its socioeconomic environment. This essay emphasizes how critical it is to resolve this matter, considering the harm it causes to the country's economy and general development. It also highlights how important careful planning of human resources is to solve the unemployment situation. Through a close examination of the execution and results of these employment schemes, this study hopes to provide insightful analysis to stakeholders involved in India's socioeconomic growth as well as policymakers and economists. This research aims to offer significant insights for policymakers, economists, and stakeholders who are heavily involved in India's socioeconomic growth by conducting a thorough analysis of the implementation and results of these employment schemes. Through an assessment of these programs' efficacy, the study seeks to illuminate both effective tactics and possible avenues for further development in the fight against unemployment in India. The report also addresses the complexity of unemployment and stresses the need to address both structural and cyclical variables that contribute to this issue. It emphasizes how important it is to implement targeted interventions that support both social and economic development by empowering people to pursue self-employment endeavours and by creating work possibilities.


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How to Cite

Bharatkumar K.Jotva. (2024). Recent Employment Schemes of the Government of India: Reducing Unemployment and Enhancing Self-Employment Opportunities. NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 7(1). Retrieved from