Analytical Study on Organizational Behavior VS Organizational Theory


  • Abdul Hakim Noori
  • Mansora Farahmand


Organizational behavior is a multidisciplinary field that studies how individuals and groups interact within organizations, focusing on aspects such as job performance, satisfaction, innovation, and leadership. The theory of organizational behavior encompasses various concepts and principles that can be applied to improve workplace dynamics and employee retention. Some key aspects of organizational behavior and theory include Individual and Group Dynamics Organizational gets examines the relations between individuals and groups, as well as the factors that impact platoon performance and cohesion. Organizational Culture The culture of an association plays a significant part in shaping hand gets, satisfaction, and engagement. Organizational behavior theory explores the impact of organizational culture on work-life balance and employee well-being. Leadership: Successful leadership is essential to every organization's success. The theory of organizational behaviour looks at how leadership functions in mergers and acquisitions and how various leadership techniques, actions, and styles affect the culture and results of the organization. staff Engagement: While low staff engagement levels continue to be a major barrier, high employee engagement levels offer a competitive advantage. Organizational behavior theory can help organizations understand the process of employee engagement and develop strategies to improve it. Communication, Collaboration, Ethics, and Emotional Intelligence: These four domains of behavior are essential for understanding the dynamics within organizations. Organizational behavior theory evaluates the relationships between these domains and their impact on organizational success. In summary, organizational behavior and theory provide valuable insights into the interactions between individuals, groups, and organizations, offering practical applications for improving workplace dynamics and employee retention. By understanding and applying these principles, associations can produce healthier work societies, enhance hand engagement, and promote invention, eventually leading to lesser success and competitiveness.



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How to Cite

Abdul Hakim Noori, & Mansora Farahmand. (2024). Analytical Study on Organizational Behavior VS Organizational Theory . NOLEGEIN- Journal of Leadership &Amp; Strategic Management, 7(1). Retrieved from