Change And Resistance


  • rohini parimi Research Scholar
  • Dr. YVVSSS Vara Prasad



Competency mapping, learning and development, Change management, Organizational engagement and Value Proposition


From the olden days, the early man was in a continuous effort to improve his abilities to make his life easy and comfortable.  Since those days, the early man made the best use of his intelligence to transform his hard work, which required more physical labour into smart work that demanded more mental labour. The only root cause for this transformation of the ancient man is the intense urge for skill development with appropriate use of knowledge and the right attitude. In today’s vocabulary, we coined this as “Competency” which is a combination of knowledge, skill and attitude to perform one’s job in the most perfect manner.  Organizations speak volumes and emphasize on the competency mapping i.e. right resource with right skills for the right job at the right time and this right quality could be in borne for some or could be achieved in some people by way of learning and development i.e. reinforcing a task with subject knowledge and continuously doing this again and again till a standard is achieved. This process of adoption of new learning to work faster and better and unlearning the old methods is termed as Change management. This is possible only if the individual’ goals are aligned with those of the Organization’s goals i.e. Organizational engagement and strive to achieve greater heights and sustain its place owing to the demands of Competition. The best managed Organization is the one with enriched HR capital which can create a niche to derive the right Organizational value proposition from and for its employees with enhanced skill sets and satisfied hearts who get emotionally glued to the entity.

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