Emotional Wellbeing and Its Impact on Work Environment: A Case Study


  • Nidhi Sonar UG Student
  • A. R. Kambekar Associate Professor




Mental health, executives, entrepreneurs, work performance


In recent past with the changing perspectives about mental health, it has been seen that the emotional health of executives and entrepreneurs is often overlooked in the industries. It is expected to be realized that the human resources are also vulnerable to emotional breakdowns like others in the society. This study aims to throw some light on this issue and perhaps tries to provide plausible solutions to improve the emotional well-being of the supervisors and administrative staff from diverse professional backgrounds. Emotional health being an integral part of one's personality, its implications on work performance are also noted. A sample population of executives from public as well as private sector, aged between 35 and 60 years with a work experience of at least 10 years, was selected for the case study. It is anticipated to observe the general mind set and professional relations and performance of the population by analyzing their response to certain situations given in the survey questionnaire and feasible solutions to tackle with improvement of emotional health of the decision makers are desired to be proposed.

