The Impact and Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies on Education


  • Tanya Singh


How we study, work, and live is changing as a result of artificial intelligence. AIED is one of the
burgeoning fields in educational technologies, according to the 21st international conference on
artificial intelligence in education conducted in 2020. Computer science (artificial intelligence) has
always made a significant contribution to the field of education. The study explains how artificial
intelligence and machine learning will shape education in both wealthy and developing nations. The
purpose of this study is to investigate how artificial intelligence and machine learning are used to help students learn. The future of education using artificial intelligence and machine learning is the main topic of the study. Although there are still some issues with artificial intelligence and machine learning in the education system, the results show that they are helpful in instructional methods, examination, evaluation and staff training. The study makes research recommendations on evaluation and examination of students using artificial intelligence and machine technologies. It also outlines a specific method for creating an artificial intelligence–enabled platform for education, and it concludes by discussing the effects of artificial intelligence in education.


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How to Cite

Tanya Singh. (2023). The Impact and Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies on Education. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Global Marketing, 6(1), 1–5. Retrieved from