A Study on Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Work-Life Balance in St. Joseph College of Engineering and Technology in Tanzania




The appearance “Relationship amid emotional intelligence and work life” has been similar to the wealthy and happy life in the world. This degree facilitates access to feelings when people offer comments, particularly during times of disappointment and hopelessness. We could find and proudly could say that the 20th century children’s emotional intelligence is revised in their character. We can analyse that in the competition, the children are very much estimable, though they come with lot of groundwork and enthusiasm but then while they are rejected, they balance the participation in another competition. Here, the emotional intelligence helps to handle dissatisfied, unpredicted situation to accept and move forward to be the best and better. On the other hand, deficiency of emotional intelligence and work life balance make lot of suicides and other harmful incidents. Therefore, conclusion of the study affirms that there is internal connection for the EI and WL.


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How to Cite

KUMAR, A., & Sr. THARCIUS VINNARASI. (2023). A Study on Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Work-Life Balance in St. Joseph College of Engineering and Technology in Tanzania . NOLEGEIN-Journal of Human Resource Management &Amp; Development, 5(2), 19–23. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoHRMD/article/view/1030