Technology Education: Rethinking Design Thinking


  • Mohammad Asif Pasha


Design Thinking, Cognitive Limitation, Heuristics, Technology, Education


An integral aspect of a designer& work is to apply design thinking to the process of coming up with innovative answers to difficult problems. However, there has been little exploration of how design thinking influences instructional decision-making. Therefore, designing is often portrayed as a rational, idealistic activity in technology curricula, one that results in well considered, long- term changes in the built environment. Students learning about technology via design thinking may struggle to understand their own cognitive biases and heuristic mistakes. In this post, we have offered a general overview and explanation for why we chose to activities within the research project's educational experience. Understanding your target audience, testing hypotheses, redefining the issue, and prototyping and testing potential solutions are all part of the design thinking iterative process. The overarching objective is to brainstorm potential approaches and answers that may not be obvious at first glance. Design thinking is more than simply a set of steps; its a completely new way of thinking that comes with a toolkit of concrete techniques for putting that mindset into practise. Design thinking is an approach to problem-solving that places the demands of the end user at the forefront of all other considerations. It uses an iterative, hands-on approach to come up with novel solutions by watching people in their natural habitats with empathy.

