Why Mathematics Is an Easy and Enjoyable Subject in Some Schools in Kerala?


  • Jayadevan S.K Research Scholar


enjoyable mathematics, experts, headmasters, monitoring, parents, students, teachers, trainers


Mathematics is considered as the most difficult subject in our schools. As a subject, mathematics has its own characteristics which are different from other subjects. Logical derivation of concepts and problem solving are important in mathematics learning. Due to various reasons, our mathematics periods are time for applying formulae for problem solving in a mechanical way. However, some schools say another story on mathematics – students perform well in mathematics and they like math teachers. This study is an attempt to find out factors behind it. The findings of the study will be helpful for teachers to make teaching– learning process fruitful.



How to Cite

Jayadevan S.K. (2020). Why Mathematics Is an Easy and Enjoyable Subject in Some Schools in Kerala?. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Consumer Behavior &Amp; Market Research, 3(1), 8–12. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoCBMR/article/view/493