Impact of E-CRM on Customer’s Awareness Towards Banking Products and Services


  • Meghna Jain
  • Nitin Jain


E-CRM techniques are being used by the banks and they have started offering products and services in a new way to the customers so that they remain connected with the bank and could access banking products and services through the online mode to the customers. This paper focused on evaluation of the customer awareness level among the customers towards banking products and services provided by different banks and later the impact of E-CRM practices adopted by the banks is evaluated on the awareness level among customers through the application of Regression. E-CRM for the banks like enhancement in customer relationship and interaction and even personalization of options and each of them would be helpful in providing a competitive advantage to the banks. The evaluation is conducted using regression analysis to determine the significance of E-CRM practices on customer awareness. The study highlights the benefits of E-CRM for banks, such as enhanced customer relationship management, improved customer interaction, and personalized options, all of which contribute to a competitive advantage. By leveraging E-CRM, banks can effectively address customer needs and preferences, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. This paper provides insights into the strategic implementation of E-CRM in the banking sector and its potential to transform customer engagement and awareness


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How to Cite

Meghna Jain, & Nitin Jain. (2024). Impact of E-CRM on Customer’s Awareness Towards Banking Products and Services. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Consumer Behavior &Amp; Market Research, 7(2), 3039. Retrieved from