Double Blind Peer Review
The purpose of double-blind peer review is to guarantee that published research is of high quality. It is the foundation of all reputable research publications and is an accurate assessment at the core of effective scholarly publishing. As a result, our reviewers play a critical role in upholding the NOLEGEIN- Journal of Advertising and Brand Management high standards. All unsolicited manuscripts are subjected to peer review in accordance with the guidelines described below.
- Initial manuscript evaluation- All manuscripts are initially evaluated by the editors. It's uncommon, but it's possible that excellent work will be accepted at this point. Those who are rejected at this stage have major scientific problems or are outside the journal's purpose and scope. Those that fulfill the basic requirements are sent to at least two specialists for evaluation. Authors of submissions that are rejected at this stage will be notified within two weeks of receipt or will be given recommendations for resubmission from reviewers.
- Without going through the regular peer review process, manuscripts containing plagiarism, significant highly technical errors, or a lack of a relevant message are rejected. Manuscripts that do not fall within the scope of the Journal may also be rejected at this stage.
- Final Acceptance- The author will be notified of the final decision to accept or reject the submission, as well as any recommendations provided by the reviewers, which may include direct remarks from the reviewers.
- If an author desires to appeal a peer review decision, he or she should write to the Editors-in-Chief and discuss the problem. Appeals will be successful only if the reviews were insufficient or unjust. If this is the case, the document will be submitted to new reviewers who have agreed to re-review it.
- After receiving comments from reviewers/Referees, members of the Editorial Board teams have the authority to make the final decision on publication. The corresponding author will be notified of the acceptance, rejection, or amendment of the paper.
- If there are any minor or large changes, the corresponding author should send an orderly response to each of the reviewers' comments and a revised version of the manuscript to the editor.
- The paper will not be accepted for publication until it has been approved by the editor and reviewers/referees.
- Articles would be copy-edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format if they were accepted. Page proofs will be given to the appropriate author and must be returned within three days, with or without corrections.
- During the submission and review process, the corresponding author (or coauthor designated) will act as the primary correspondent with the editorial office on behalf of all co-authors.
- The journal carefully adheres to the double-blind review method, in which neither the author nor the reviewer is aware of the other's identity.