Communicative Effectiveness of Product Placement Among Portuguese and Spanish Audiences


  • Galvao Meirinhos
  • Rosa Rebelo
  • Rui Silva
  • Reiville Rêgo


Product Placement; Cinema; Eficácia Comunicativa; Efeitos Cognitivos, Afetivos e Comportamentais


This research project focuses on the effectiveness of product placement in James Bond movies. The results are obtained from a sample of 300 Portuguese and Spanish university students, organized in independent groups at random. Three questionnaires were applied, one for each film as there were different brands in the research corpus, and applied in the sample's native languages. Within the methodological procedure developed by Ángel Rodriguez Bravo of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, a direct observation was carried out to collect data on the placement surface, duration and occurrences of product placement in each of the film productions. The results point out that the subjects recall products and brands in the form of spontaneous and assisted recall; however, the same subjects also indicate fake products and brands. The most recalled brands did not obtain more favorable attitudes or high purchase intention. A relationship between the time and space of product placement and recall was confirmed (Hypothesis 1); subjects who recalled brands also showed more favorable attitudes, but those who did not recall also showed favorable attitudes toward brands (Hypothesis 2). And finally, no association was found between favorable attitudes and purchase intentions (Hypothesis 3).


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How to Cite

Galvao Meirinhos, Rosa Rebelo, Rui Silva, & Reiville Rêgo. (2023). Communicative Effectiveness of Product Placement Among Portuguese and Spanish Audiences. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Advertising and Brand Management, 5(2), 11–33. Retrieved from