Unraveling the Dynamics of Workplace Communication: Exploring its Multifaceted Functions in Shaping Organizational Relations


  • Dr Smita Raj Jain
  • Sanjay Shrivastava


Communication not only influences external affairs or external relations, nor does it impact only upon business-to-business relations, but it has its impeccable effects on the internal system of organizations. The impact of communication within organizations extends far beyond external interactions, encompassing intricate dynamics within the internal structure. This study delves into the nuanced realms of communication within Corporate and Academic settings, exploring how gender plays a role in shaping professional interactions. Through meticulous analysis, notable distinctions emerge between male and female professionals across various facets of organizational communication. Furthermore, while some variations exist between Corporate and Academic environments, overarching patterns align closely with existing literature on organizational communication. This study sheds light on the intricate interplay of factors that influence internal organizational relations, offering valuable insights for fostering effective communication practices within diverse professional contexts. In the study, an effort has been made to investigate communication interactions between individuals employed in Corporate & Academic organizations, as well as between Males & Females who work as professional staff in different organizations. The study shows that there are notable distinctions between men and women about various facets of organizational communication. The individuals who work in corporate and academic organizations differ slightly in a few areas related to organizational communication. Broad conceptual patterns emerging from the body of accessible literature on organizational communication appear to be supported, for the most part, by the variances in the given characteristics of communication across categories and levels seen in this study.


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How to Cite

Dr Smita Raj Jain, & Sanjay Shrivastava. (2024). Unraveling the Dynamics of Workplace Communication: Exploring its Multifaceted Functions in Shaping Organizational Relations. Nolegein - Journal of Organizational Behavior and Management, 7(2), 1–11. Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoOBM/article/view/1479