Exposing the Strength and Intricacy of Influencer Marketing: Techniques, Mentalities, and Effect on Consumer Behavior


  • Ganesh Radhakrishnan Ex -Serviceman


Influencer marketing has become an important marketing strategy in recent years that uses the power of social media to attract the attention of target audiences and increase brand awareness/ brand ambassadors. The purpose of this article is to analyze the complexity of the economic impact by analyzing its changes, researching its benefits, and analyzing its impact on people, consumer behavior, and product benefits. An outline of influencer marketing's definition, history, and significance is given at the outset of this study. He then dives into the basic structure of influencer marketing and how it relates to consumers' ideas such as authenticity and consistency. He also shares examples of success and failure of influencer marketing. This study makes its way through the complex structure of this phenomena. It investigates the mutually beneficial link that exists between influencer marketing and customer perceptions, looking at key ideas like consistency and authenticity that support how users engage with material created by influencers. Furthermore, this research clarifies the revolutionary impact of influencer marketing on consumer behaviour, highlighting its function in molding buying choices, brand allegiance, and product conceptions. This study highlights the complex interactions between influencers, businesses, and consumers by analyzing both successful and unsuccessful influencer marketing initiatives. It also identifies the critical factors that determine the effectiveness of this emerging marketing strategy.


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How to Cite

Radhakrishnan, G. (2024). Exposing the Strength and Intricacy of Influencer Marketing: Techniques, Mentalities, and Effect on Consumer Behavior. NOLEGEIN-Journal of Advertising and Brand Management, 7(1). Retrieved from https://mbajournals.in/index.php/JoABM/article/view/1390